Wednesday, February 09, 2005

This Blog

Originally uploaded by transplant.
I was looking at my archives, and while it may seem that I have been posting on this blog a lot, because I've had it since September, my average post per month is hovering around 2. My goal for the month of February is to double that. Ambitious I know, but hey, I think I can pull it off.

This picture is from a long time ago. It's MAD old. Son. Hopefully, once spring gets here, and New York City isn't so ugly, I'll bust out the camera again.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

New Music

Originally uploaded by transplant.
I am tired of my music. I need new music. I haven't really found any new bands that were really great. Some that are really good, but nothing that was super amazing.

If anyone has any suggestions let me know!


Originally uploaded by transplant.
This is a drawing (or if you are fancy - an illustration) that I did a long time ago. I actually am quite happy with it. The funny thing is that it was on this big piece of grey thin cardboard which we were keeping under the couch. Then the radiator leaked under the couch and ruined most of the rest of what was on it. The lucky part is that this part, which I like the most was OK. I didn't really clean up the scan very much either, so you can see where the cardboard was rippled at the bottom.

On another note, I'm trying to figure out how to blog photos from my phone. I think though, I have to enable email service from my phone. I'm afraid of how much that would cost. I already pay for internet access though. We'll see...