Thursday, March 31, 2005

More Signs

Originally uploaded by transplant.
Picture of the first flowers in bloom for the year.

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Spring + Dog = Dog Bath

Originally uploaded by transplant.
I decided since I had the day off today, that I would take the dog to the dog park, and then give her a bath, since she needed one anyway. The other part of this story is that it rained yesterday, and gradually turned into snow making today a REALLY muddy, slushy mess outside.
I figured since I had to wash the dog anyway, that the least I could do is let her go to the dog run and play around in the mud. You can see the "water line" of where she was muddy, most of it she shook off on the way home. The bath water was still a very dark shade of brown though.

The best part of giving her a bath, is afterwards when she looks all fluffy, and runs around the house like a kid with a new haircut.

Just another part of spring.

Monday, March 21, 2005

Dishes Are Done Man.

Originally uploaded by transplant.
The one "modern" appliance I wish that I had is a dishwasher. I would love to be able to rinse my dishes, throw them in the machine, push a button, and wait for them to be clean. There is nothing more tedious than doing dishes day after day. I don't mind the occasional bowl. Or a handful of silverware. But I hate having to do a whole load of dinner dishes.

I'm not sure why "dishwasher" ranks higher in the appliance list over "washer" and "dryer." Maybe because I don't really mind going to the laundromat. All I have to do is put on my headphones so I don't have to hear the mothers yelling for their children (named Destiny, and Lexus - true story) and bring along a book and/or a copy of Harpers and I'm good to go.

Anyway. I really took this picture because of the colors. They're all primary. Pretty.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

So much for February

I should be getting ready for work, but there is nothing like some last minute procrastination.

It's going to get up to 44 today, which makes it seem like spring is around the corner. Personally, I can't wait. Anyone who knows me, knows I love the wintertime. Mostly the snow in wintertime, but there is nothing like a string of grey, 28 degree days with no snow to really make a person wish for springtime.

Among other things, here is a list of things spring related that I can't wait for:

Not having to wear 4 layers of clothing, plus a coat, hat, scarf and gloves on a daily basis, one great thing about summer is you can leave the house without a coat and be fine for the whole day.

Longer days. I like having more daytime, and being able to take the dog to the run after work because it will be light out until at least 9:00. More sunlight = more time to do stuff.

More stuff to do. New York is a good city to be in during the summer. After the long winter hibernation, everyone is ready to go outside and enjoy it. One thing about living in a large city is that everyone goes outside and spends time either on the street or in the local parks. It's not like living in the suburbs where everyone has a spacious back yard to spend time in. Plus, during the summer there are more free concerts and events to go to.

Riding my bike. Warm weather + more daytime = more time to ride around the neighborhood.

That's it for now.

I'm going to go to work and pretend that the 44 degree weather is about 10 degrees warmer.