Saturday, October 31, 2009

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Grand Opening

On Sunday the Maple Leaf Bakery in my 'hood opened up with quite a ceremony. There was a whole team of traditional dragon dancers and drummers (with numbered uniforms) plus a table and really long pole with cabbage (among other things) on them, plus a whole crowd of onlookers taking part. The drumming was out of sync, and it took more than a few minutes of organizing and smoke breaks to get started, but they did put on a show! The dragons danced around, also not quite in time with each other or the music, and danced inside and while the owners and their families were stuffed in the corners of the place. It was a funny thing to walk into on your way home from the train and I hope they have good luck with their new venture. I'm pretty sure that's what it was about, since it wouldn't seem like a good idea to tempt dragons into your store with cabbage and shallots and things if they weren't going to help make you successful.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Takin' the Kids for a Bath

It's been a very rainy summer. I think I remember hearing for the month of June it rained 23 of 30 days. It rained more days than it did in Seattle, although it wasn't steady rain really, just a series of never-ending thunderstorms. Which is just fine with me. I also on a couple of occasions grabbed all 12 plant kids from their various shelves and tables and set them out on the fire escape for a shower or two. They certainly seemed to like having all the dust washed off and getting a drink of rainwater. 

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Monday, June 01, 2009

Internet Radio

My friend Jason (that's his tattoo below) grew up in Cincinnati and has been listening to this radio station WOXY since he was a kid. They were one of the first internet only radio stations and are still one of the best indie rock stations around. So check it out for some anti-Clear Channel mega-corporation goodness. 

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday Dinner

I try to get my chickens from the Halal butcher down the street. Which, according to some people could be more humane than traditional methods. But of course the argument goes both ways. The reason I like getting chickens from them is because they are never frozen, and not shipped across the country before you buy them. Plus even though it was kind of creepy at first, it's kind of reassuring to be able to look into his little chicken face before you eat him. 

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Originally uploaded by transplant

(it's a parking garage)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Clown Number Two

Clown Number Two
Originally uploaded by transplant

This makes two Working Clown sightings. Strange!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I Guess I've Always Been Hilarious

And never been able to take many pictures with a straight face. I believe this was taken in a photo booth in the Casper mall. Good Spring cleaning find. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Originally uploaded by transplant

Most of the time I get on the train and everyone is (relatively) normal. Other times I get to ride with a clown on his way to work. If you look close you can see his pants are covered with stars.

I'm not sure what happened to February. I think it fell down a hole of really cold weather and nothing worth blogging about. I figured this was a good way to start up again before March is over and I really have to work to catch up on my posts.

The good news is that I can get away with wearing a lighter coat with a sweater instead of my heavy winter gear.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Monday, January 19, 2009

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

New Year. More Posts.

After a bout of New Year's food poisoning, and having to play post December/Vacation catch up at work I'm ready for the January to February lull that takes this city over. This time of year is when everyone slips into hibernation mode, since we all know the weather doesn't get Really Cold until about now, and some of our biggest snowstorms hit in February.

Anyway. It's hard to believe I've had this blog for 4 going on 5 years. Some of those early posts are pretty silly when I reread them, and lord knows there have been times when updating the ol' blog is the last thing I want to do. But, in the end it's worth keeping up with so what I'm doing all the way across the continent isn't such a big mystery all the time. So. I've decided that since I made it up to 45 entries last year. This year Im going for 50. I think even with the occasional writers block (bloggers block? - that also sounds silly) I can do it.