Tuesday, October 18, 2005

more fun with friskit

Originally uploaded by transplant.
look it's a bird!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Originally uploaded by transplant.
I finally found Liquid Friskit, which is (for those of you who don't know) kind of like rubber cement, but not gluey, so you can paint in on the paper, and then paint over it to keep parts of the page white.
But his teeth were kept white. Rar!

Monday, October 10, 2005

new family member

Originally uploaded by transplant.
So it may not be as exciting as a baby. Or a new dog, or even a rat. But I bought this Jade plant the other day, and I'm hoping that I won't kill it. It's the first time I've owned one of these, and I'm not exactly sure how to take care of it. The heiroglyphics included on the little plastic thing don't exactly tell you how often to water it. They are like looking at washing instruction symbols, but they aren't that clear. Luckily, I have a mom who is good with plants, and can diagnose any problems down the road.
I recently repotted my other plant into a bigger pot for the first time in 4 years and it was extremely happy. I'm just hoping that this new Jade plant will be as Susan-Resistant as my first one.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


So for the past week, I haven't had an internet connection at home. This computer has seen better days I think, and the constant influx of dog hair and dust seems to be dragging it down. It hasn't read CD's or DVD's much less burned a disc properly for around a year now, and lately, the Airport card seems to be hit or miss. Ahh, the joys of obsolete technology. Now we can throw it out and wreak havoc on the environment, or ship it off to China to be recycled for a few pennies.

Anyway, the whole point of this was supposed to be how I have gotten used to having the good old World Wide Web handy, and when it's not there, how much it sucks. How else am I supposed to look up phone numbers to get a burrito delivered, much less order groceries and have food in the refriderator to eat? I wanted to go to a movie yesterday, but when I couldn't look up movie times or Fandango some tickets, that idea went out the window as well. I didn't want to take a chance and go to the theater, only to have the movie I want to see sold out, or have to wait around for 3 hours for the movie to start with nothing nearby except the Gap to entertain me. Last night, I actually had to sit through the 11:00 news, instead of seeing a commercial for the news, and then looking up the story on the internet so I could get actual in-depth reporting, instead of the news bits they show on TV.

But it's back now. Hopefully permanently, so there will be more to come.