Friday, August 29, 2008

Name That Fruit

Took this in the Great Wall Supermarket down the street from my house. I'll have to do some research I guess and figure out what it is since the sign was in Chinese.

Some Good Music.

Check out Dr. Dog, the album is "Fate" - and it's pretty good. Can't stop listening to it!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunday, August 17, 2008


At some point in everyone's life, they stumble on a creepy bug they can't identify and therefore worry about.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A couple of things. Plus pictures!

So. I recently read Lonesome Dove (again) after purchasing a replacement copy for the one I read until the cover, followed by the back pages. fell off. It's always enjoyable. High on my list of favorite books maybe, although that is a hard list to keep track of because all the books I read over and over mean different things at different times.

I got stuck on the internet the other day on the Netflix website, looking at movies that are unique to different cities around the country. For instance, number one is Brooklyn is a documentary about Hasidism in America, in Salt Lake, people are watching a movie about the early days of the Mormon religion more than anywhere else, and in Elizabethtown Kentucky, people rent Stephen King's Desperation at a higher rate than most everyone. It's kinda interesting.

Here is a picture! Or two!

The one above I changed to black and white, then fussed with the exposure in photoshop a bit. the one below I flipped upside down and turned black and white.

They are pictures from the lobby of the Hyatt hotel in San Fran along the Embarcadero.