Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Does The Look of This Blog Describe Me As A Person?

As you can see, I'm looking for a new look. Not that I don't like the same basic design that I've had since 2004, I just figured maybe part of my apathy towards this whole thing is that I'm tired of seeing it.

Now the problem is finding a theme that lines up with me as a person. And since I find it hard to leave the house without changing my shoes (or at least thinking about it) once or twice, it might take some time before I find a theme that I'm comfortable with.

In the meantime, I just now realized that I've had this blog since 2004. Which is a long time, and pretty unbelievable. 7 years. Or maybe 6, since last year it was pretty much in hibernation. Still. Maybe I'm more dedicated to this than I give myself credit for.

I'll also give a shout-out to my first blog. From 10 years ago. It still exists. Although not in the super awesome original format. It looked a little more like the old-timey internet. I was mostly preoccupied with dissing George W. Bush, and finding internet article about science.

So there it is. And judging by my old blog, there it will sit for a long time. Even if I don't do anything about it.

P.S. Some of the links on WigglePuppy still work. Make sure you check out "Paint By Numbers". The username/password for that blog is long lost in my brain so I can't unlink the bad ones.