Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Crazy Dog

Crazy Dog
Originally uploaded by transplant.
So I was walking down the street in my lovely neighborhood with my dog. As all four of the people who read my blog should know, my dog REALLY REALLY likes to play. Especially with other dogs. However, this can present problems, as most dog owners don't really appreciate it when your dog runs up to theirs all super excited as this could be a sign of an impending dog fight. Also, running up to strange dogs has the tendency to provoke fights. So, as any responsible dog owner should, we are trying to train our dog to either sit and wait, or to walk up to other dogs slowly. It takes some work as our dog is crazy.

So we are walking along, and notice a dog who is being held on the side of the street by this Hippie. Like such a stereotypical hippie that if you type hippie hat into a Google image search it will show you the hat she was wearing. It will also work for hippie sweater too. Her sweater was the green stripy one in the second row. Anyway, me and Shelby (the dog) are walking by, and Shelby starts to smell this strange dog, and is being pretty good about it. Meanwhile, I'm telling her how she's being a good dog, and then BAM! Shelby drops into a play bow and it's all over. She's jumping around and kind of half barking/half growling. So as I'm sternly telling Shelby to sit, this lady is giving me very crap looks. I start to explain that my dog is nice, and she REALLY likes to play, and we're trying to get over it. (Meaning we are trying to stop my dog from walking up to strange dogs and jumping on them.) She then glares at me and and says:

"I hope she NEVER gets over it."

Seriously lady. Yes, I'm trying to beat my dog into submission so she never ever plays again. Yes, I'm so mean that I don't let my dog do whatever comes "naturally" to her, because she too is a living creature. Besides, there are no amount of beatings that could break my dog's spirit. She's just that crazy. I'm just trying to keep my dog from approaching the wrong dog and getting seriously injured. Also, there is that whole "being considerate of other people thing" you know, Trying to make sure that my dog doesn't mistakingly scare the crap out of other dogs and their owners. I don't mind if my dog plays with other dogs on the street, as long as the other people/dogs are ok with it. Stupid people anyway.

1 comment:

~Bungalow Bill~ said...

I can see from the picture of your dog why you are having these reponses. You can plainly see she is green with envy, and is biting the hand that feeds her. It is sometimes hard to discipline your dog (or your kids) when someone is giving you the evil eye, but then the most important part of the training process is the hang in there....and carry a squirt gun and spray these, I guess pulling a gun on the streets of NY is probably a bad just let your dog bite them.....