Tuesday, October 12, 2004

I'm Cooler Than Everyone!!!

Originally uploaded by transplant.
Here is my fancy fancy hipster hat. I took this holding the camera in the bathroom mirror so I could see what it looked like in the digital display and to make sure I didn't cut off half of my face in the picture. I tried to take some of me smiling, but I just ended up looking either really stupid or really strange.
Anyway, It's been decided over here at our house that we shouldn't fake the funk anymore and just commit to being hipsters. Well, maybe not Hipsters, but at least acknowleging the fact that we own some pretty cool and sometimes ironic T-Shirts, and enjoy wearing clothing that no one else owns, (Much like the jackasses that live in our super-hip neighborhood which annoy the crap out of us on a regular basis - I mean do you really need to make sure you look cool when you go to the local drug store to pick up some eye drops or aspirin?)
We walk a fine line of making fun of these people, while doing many of the same things they do. It's ok with me though, as long as I understand that yes, I'm much cooler than everyone, (sarcasm intended), and it's ok when I feel like walking around the neighborhood in a silly hat.
(Oh, and the snobby part of me should tell you that this hat was a sample of a brand that won't be available in stores for a couple months. So I can wear it safely without seeing it on someone else's head for awhile. I got the hook-up yo.)


MorsaJones said...

oh my god you are SO COOL!!!!!!! (please send instructions on how to be as cool as you.)

revolutionary45 said...

you intimidate me with your pre-release coolness. but i guess you do have to reside in the epicenter of coolness. brooklyn. holla.